Apa kabar blog? lama sekali kau tidak ditengok.. banyak sarang laba2 di pojok sana sini. Tapi amazing.. sejak kau berdiri, sekarang jumlah pengunjungmu sudah hampir 6000orang.. :D
Well,, ucapkan terimakasih kepada para pengunjung..
Mau posting apa ini..? ga jelas.
Ini ajalah.. ada tugas pidato, naskahnya pake bahasa Inggris dengan grammer yang masih belepotan. mungkin bisa diambil manfaatnya..
lets check this out..
Assalaamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokaatuh.In the Name of Allah, the Creator of the world, The Most Gracious
and Merciful. Without Him, imposible to us to meet this day. Shalawat and salam
always be said to our prince Muhammad sallallaahu
‘alaihi wasalam who had brought the human from the darkness to the brightness of Islam.
Next, I would like to say thanks to my teacher and to all of my friends. I want to talk about the flood.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
This year, maybe is a sadness year in Indonesia . It was opened with the
flood in almost of island and city in Indonesia . It is attack in everywhere,
not only in a big city, but also in a small town and village, included Sragen.
Many victims of souls and wealth fall because of the flood. People must
loss their families, pets, and others, because the flood was drowning their
home. The flood also destroyed their rice field, it is add sufferings people
more and more.
My dear friend
The floods aren’t coming suddenly. We have a big contribution about this
disaster. We are not aware that a trifle something which is we usually do it, causing floods in everywhere. For example, throw
the rubbish to the river is a mainly problem causing the flood. But people who live in the bank of river are
not awareness about that. And than denudation of forest makes the ground
couldn’t absorb the water from the rain. And we didn’t plan on there again. So, erosion and a big
flood fall on us. In fact, the government tried to solve the flood which comes every year. They build building of east canal at Jakarta , set a going
program planting one million of tress, etc. But people did not care about the
government programs. When the disaster really coming to them, they confusion about
where they must save their self and their families.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We can take some learn about this disaster. Perhaps, Allah wants to examine
and remind us to closes Him more and more. We often breaks His prohibition and quits His rules. So, He wants
to know how far as concern us about His greatness and how bigness our faith to
Him by means of this disaster.On the other hands, perhaps Allah will be forgives our sins, such as
Said Al Khudri radhiyallahu ‘anhu
said, from Rosulullah sallallaahu’alaihi
wa salam, he said that : “No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness,
nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Moslem, even if it were the prick he receives
from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that.” (Bukhari).
And than, we must asking forgiveness to Allah from all of mistakes. Acts on His way, keep away
from His prohibition, and be
grateful to Allah about all of His enjoyment for us.
May Allah pardon us and shine upon us always.
Kunci keberhasilan adalah menanamkan kebiasaan sepanjang hidup Anda untuk melakukan hal - hal yang Anda takuti.
BalasHapustetap semangat tinggi untuk jalani hari ini ya gan ! ditunggu kunjungannya :D
inspiratif, terimakasih. :)